Announcing "Sleep to Dream: An Occult Jounral"

ToSalem is thrilled to announce its very own literary journal, Sleep to Dream: An Occult Journal. In collaboration with the soon-to-be-released streaming service, “WitchTube,” ToSalem is now officially receiving submissions for this innovation publication. Please read the following information about the publication before submitting. Once you’ve read all of this, head to DuoTrope to submit!
Sleep to Dream: An Occult Journal emerges as a distinctive publication in the literary landscape, captivating those fascinated by the mysteries of the occult. This journal offers a platform for a diverse range of expressions—art, articles, and stories—that delve into the enigmatic realms of occultism. Its content, marked by a dark, alluring, magical, and evocative tone, invites readers and contributors into a world where the boundaries between the known and the unknown blur.
Sleep to Dream is committed to publishing in digital mediums that cater to a wide audience, including a monthly publication, as well as ancillary releases that are catered toward the submitted content (ie – online experiences, expanded reality, video, audio dramas, etc.). We accept submissions in English for now, but this may change in the future. We would love submissions from a community of contributors from varied backgrounds and experiences, unified by their intrigue and passion for the occult.
Central to its ethos, Sleep to Dream operates on a foundation of regularity and accessibility. The journal will maintain a routine publication schedule, with all editions being available on the parent site (this one!). The Sleep to Dream page here on ToSalem will serve as a comprehensive portal to access all things Sleep to Dream. This transparency and clarity in communication highlight the journal’s dedication to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for artists and writers.

Sleep to Dream is actively edited by a team of individuals who share a profound appreciation for the occult and its cultural significance. This ensures that each piece of content is not only relevant but resonates with the journal’s unique aesthetic and thematic vision. The publication’s commitment to quality and relevance is evident through its curated selection of content, which not only adheres to but elevates the discourse surrounding occult practices and beliefs.
As a fledgling entity in the publishing world, Sleep to Dream recognizes the importance of establishing a strong publication history. It aims to build its reputation by showcasing works that are not only compelling in their narrative and artistic quality but also reflective of the journal’s core values and thematic focus. The publication seeks to create a space where the exploration of the occult is not just accepted but celebrated, providing a platform for voices that are often sidelined in mainstream discourse.
Sleep to Dream: An Occult Journal aims to stand as a beacon for those drawn to the mystical and the arcane. The journal invites contributors and readers alike to embark on a journey through the shadows, where the magic of the occult comes alive through stories, articles, and art. In doing so, it not only enriches the literary and artistic landscape but also fosters a community united by a shared fascination with the mysteries that lie beyond the veil of the everyday.
Sleep to Dream: An Occult Journal will be accepting submissions through Duotrope. We are currently not accepting submissions, but will be once we are listed on their platform.