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Witchcraft in West Virginia


One of the most intriguing aspects of the occult in America is that it truly has enjoyed a regional expression. New England witchcraft, for example, looks very different from West Coast witchcraft which looks very different from Midwest witchcraft. This trend also applies inter-regionally as well. Tennessean witchcraft looks different than Georgian witchcraft which looks different from West Virginia witchcraft and on and on it goes.

But a personal favorite of mine is Appalachian witchcraft. Perhaps that’s due to the fact that I’m from the mid-south originally or maybe it’s because this particular strain of the esoteric still lingers somewhat in obscurity, even to me.





So today I’d like to explore one of the more emblematic and representative states of Appalachian folk magic: West Virginia. First, some background.

The Early Days of West Virginia

West Virginia has always been a bit of an oddball in the cultural fabric of the United States. It’s location alone seems to beg for paradoxes. It’s not quite southern and not quite northern. But it’s situated against some of the more representative states of these respective cultures (Kentucky and Maryland, for example). And this tension between opposing ideologies is actually a part of what led West Virginia to break way from Virginia in the first place. In the lead-up to the Civil War (1861 to be precise), West Virginia became the only state to form by breaking from the Confederacy and was also one of only two states admitted to the Union during the conflict (Nevada was the second).

So, from the early days of West Virginia being West Virginia there was a rugged individualism which will become very important to the rest of this story. And the tension between exactly where West Virginia’s ideology falls extends even to the state’s regional positioning (the Census Bureau designates it as being a southern state, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics places it in the mid-Atlantic region). But the story of witchcraft in West Virginia extends back even further in time than the state’s official formation.


The First Stirrings of Witchcraft in West Virginia

The region’s earliest settlers were just as concerned with the threat of witchcraft as their New England cousins. In the same era of the Salem Witch Trials, accusations also flung in the burgeoning Virginia hills. Crucially though, they never escalated to the same degree as those in Salem or elsewhere in New England. Actually, Virginia has those trials beat, in terms of chronological placement, by some decades. In 1626 (only 19 years after the founding of Jamestown, but 66 years before the outbreak of the Salem Witch Trials), a grand jury attempted to determine if a woman named Joan Wright was indeed a witch. While the outcome of the trial has been lost to the ages, one could relatively safely hazard a guess that the verdict was in Wright’s favor.


Because, even though the threat of witchcraft was as ever-present in Virginia as it was on every other front of the early American settlements, there are actually a number of key differences that kept any Salem-esque, hysterical outbreaks from occurring in early Virginia.





Separation of Church and State

For starters, early Virginians maintained a much more distinct separation between ministers and the legal processing of accused witches than their New England counterparts. In Salem, for example, one could make the argument (and plenty have) that you can really lay the entirety of the Salem Witch Trials at the feet of over-zealous, ambitious ministers (Samuel Parris, and Cotton/Increase Mather spring to mind, but they’re not alone). But in Virginia, congregation leaders rarely participated in witchcraft hearings. Perhaps this is due to the fact that one of the key differences between New England and early Virginian witchcraft is that while 1692’s Salemites viewed witchcraft as inextricably linked with Christianity (the actual offense latent in witchcraft to the Puritans wasn’t the practice of magic, it was being in league with the devil), Virginians viewed it as much more rooted in folklore and therefor essentially outside the realm of organizaed religion.


Distanced Ministers

So, with the possibility of salvation or damnation not on the table, the ministers rarely got involved. But it wasn’t only this religious separation that kept the tide of hysteria at bay. The courts themselves were also hesitant to even hear cases of witchcraft. A perfect illustration of just how true this is can be found in the fact that only 19 known cases of witchcraft were brought to the Virginian courts in the 17th century and all but one ended in acquittal. The final case of witchcraft in Virginia took place in 1802 and was also dismissed.

But what accounts for this hesitation on the part of the courts and the religious leaders of Virginia? Well, the answer to that question leads us to a giant, looming, key player in this story that has yet to appear: The Appalachian Mountains.


Those Dark Hills

To the degree that West Virginia is, “southern,” a whole lot of that cultural relation comes from the secluded mountain-dwellers. Some of these mountaineers have been in those dark hills since the very beginning. As someone who grew up in Tennessee, I’m intimately aware of the folklore that still comes from those Appalachian peaks. This is the land of moonshine and outhouses, completely secluded communities out of reach of the law or government. The early settlers in what became West Virginia were a rugged people. They farmed what they could around the mountains (the state is actually entirely mountainous). They fended for themselves outside of the emergent American government. And this spirit led to a state motto that perfectly captures the essence of the people it canonizes. It reads, “Montani Semper Liberi” (Mountaineers are always free).




The practitioners of witchcraft that emerged from this way of life were different than many others outside of Appalachia. West Virginian communities and religious leaders didn’t despise these “Granny Witches.”. In fact, it was the exact opposite.


Sole Practitioners

The mountain state’s witches tended to be sole practitioners. These typically older women were sometimes alone themselves, sometimes not. But they maintained by in large a coveted spot in their communities. In regions where medical care was harder to come by (due to geographical isolation), West Virginia’s witches were healers. They oversaw the physical, mental, and spiritual health of their communities. And they did it all with near total support from their churches and community members. In West Virginia, witches aren’t a threat to Christianity.



While I can’t find too much proof of this off-hand, I believe that the First Nations peoples of the region are a huge part of the reason why there was such a positive reaction to witchcraft in West Virginia. The state contains a large population of Shawnee descendants. And their ancestors were among the first people that Virginia’s European settlers encountered. The Cherokee (who may have used southern Virginia largely as hunting ground) are also still quite present to this day.


While I can only offer anecdotal evidence to support this claim, I heard many tales growing up of peaceful interaction and sharing between the secluded mountain communities of European and First Nation descendants. Perhaps it’s the case that a bit of the First Nation ethic in regards to what Europeans might deem, “satanic” rubbed off on the settlers. Maybe this is part of why witchcraft in West Virginia doesn’t carry the religious or social baggage it does in other parts of the country.


Granny Witches and Pagan Integration

Regardless, West Virginia offers one of the most successful examples of the integration of witchcraft into the cultural fabric of a state. To this day the, “Granny Witches” are doing their good work in the mountain state. They offer the communities they serve a shoulder to cry on when times are tough. They offer a plethora of folk remedies to help community members avoid the crushing downward spiral of the pharmaceutical industry. And they offer and a through-line for the region’s distinct cultural heritage.


The witches of West Virginia are vital members of their respective communities. And those interested in the craft could do far worse than to look to West Virginia’s witches to learn how to provide occult value to their own communities.


Sources for this article:


9 thoughts on “Witchcraft in West Virginia”

  1. My great grandma was born with a Vail on her forehead and she has attended I think 4 generations and we are all very healthy I wanna say I can agree with this as for the granny witch might actually be a thing

    1. I have recently moved to WV. I’m used to my Coven in South Carolina. I am learning alot since I’ve been here. I have met a fair few Witches since being here. I myself am a Pagan Witch not Wiccan. I have nothing against Wiccans, I just worship something much older. My family, on both sides, have been Witches for at least 150 years maybe 100. I am proud to be apart of the Witches of West Virginia, now that I’m here

  2. My people have been living in west Virginia since the 1700’s. Most of the women from many different lines in my family were healers,midwives,granny witches etc I’ve heard stories of how they traded / shared knowledge of medicinal plants etc with America’s first people. Key word
    being sharing… I say this because our people brought their own knowledge of such things with them. They learned of new plants from the people here and they also passed on their knowledge as well. They were medicine people themselves from the old country. I like to call my Appalachian ancestors christian/pagans because they used verses from the Bible as well as natural ways to heal. My grandmothers,Aunts and my mother all used the Bible as a tool to stop bleeding,get rid of warts take the fire from burns etc. They also taught us how to use a pendulum and my grandfather was a water witch. They didn’t use that terminology back then. When asked they just said it’s God and its what we do. It was what it was and it is what it is… I’m very proud of my appalachian roots.

    1. My family always told me I had a seeing my great aunt born 8 11 1915 and her sister born 1898 are they both showed me several things. I began to have dreams of things and places that I had not visited until I actually had to look around I was stunned “Yes I have seen this before coming to these places” The worst of one dream was fear but now that I am older and have found that my sisters children also have the sight. We need help but have so many phony people who have just lied to us. In Cleveland, we went to a man who could read rocks, He was as close to truth as I can determine. I would have a cup of coffee and meet you or email or telephone if you wish. I will say I normally get a feeling something if you are who you say you are. My sister does also,

  3. ETERNITY: Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on Earth, is 5.5 miles high. If you removed only one teaspoon of dirt from Mount Everest every 1,000 years, the 1st second of eternity would not have even started by the time the mountain was completely gone.
    Four out of five dentists recommend Trident, but ten out of every ten people die. We are all part of this ultimate statistic. Have you ever wondered what happens after someone dies? The Bible tells us in Hebrews 9:27 that we are all appointed to die and then face judgment. This judgment is for sin (disobedience to God’s laws). Romans 3:23 declares that all have sinned and come short of God’s glory. Our sins separate us from God, who is holy and righteous. Through our God-given conscience, the 10 Commandments reveal sin to us. We know that it’s wrong to lie, steal, commit adultery, murder, and use God’s name in vain.
    As a righteous judge, God won’t overlook disobedience to His laws. The judgment for anyone who dies in their sins will be eternal separation from God in a fiery place of torment called Hell. However, we can escape this judgment and inherit eternal life in Heaven because the Son of God, Jesus Christ, took the judgment for mankind’s sins upon Himself as He gave His life on the Cross at Calvary. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead and is alive forevermore. Christ is the only one to walk this earth without breaking any commandments (Hebrews 4:15). The sinless blood that Jesus shed on the Cross washes away sin and is the only payment for our violation of God’s laws. We cannot earn our way to Heaven; good deeds do not outweigh bad deeds. We need the righteousness of Christ in order to be acceptable to God. John 3:16 says that God sacrificed His Son for the entire world. Everyone needs Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
    Eternal salvation is ONLY obtained by calling upon Jesus Christ in prayer, believing that He is the Son of God who died and rose again for your sins. Confess to Jesus that you’re a sinner. Ask Him to come into your life and forgive you, and repent (turn away) from all sin. Tell others about your trust in Jesus as your Savior, be baptized, and make Him the Lord of your life as you live by faith in Him and obedience to the Bible.
    James 4:14 says that life is like a vapor; it exists for a short time and then vanishes. There is no promise of tomorrow. Receive Christ today and be prepared to meet Him when your appointed time with death comes. Christ thought you were worth dying for. Live for Him.

  4. I have lived in WV my whole life and I can say that witchcraft DOES carry a bad reputation. Most Christians in the area believe all magic is evil and the work of the devil.

    1. Well, I would say that’s due to modern technology because we are much more connected to the rest of the world, thus influenced by outside Christian values. Back when it took weeks to travel to other towns due to our mountains, people saw what was in front of them without influence of witch hunts. They saw people being healed.

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